Life and Times of the Collins Family

Raising children is never boring. Just when you think they can't suprise you, they say or do something to make you go huh???

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Blessings

I have to admit, I was late catching the Christmas spirit this year. I can't pinpoint why but the warm weather in the South doesn't help. It wasn't just the weather, Christmas just seemed to get here too fast. Normally I enjoy each and every day with baking, shopping etc. My attitude completely changed right before the big day.

While I might have been late catching the spirit my son wasn't. He was excited every day at school with the ornament making and movie watching. He even reminded me that we need to make the trip to Santa's Village. It was then that I began to notice he was into the season more than I can ever remember. He excitedly told Santa his list being sure to include something for his new kitten. We enjoyed a wonderful evening in the Village.  We returned home and he kept the spirit where my dwindled a bit.

In the days leading up to Christmas I had a friend loose a daughter, another loose a grandmother, family friend in the hospital with serious issues and my daughter's friend in the hospital fighting for his life. I have all this on my mind as I am in the living room on Christmas Eve. My son walks in  beaming from ear to ear. Then it hits me: the small things.

I cherished every moment of present opening, the hours of watching him play the wii....even the silliness of a lil boy passing gas and laughing his head off. The things that would normally annoy me became the most precious gifts. For the first year ever, my son was excited about leaving a note and cookies for Santa. He even made sure I cut up enough apple for the reindeers.

With so much loss in the last two weeks I am reminded of just how wonderful every moment is in life. School is out for  Christmas break and I can promise you I am going to love the lego mess in the dining room, the board games in the living room, the dirty clothes left in the bathroom, the Xbox blaring from the bedroom...after all it is the little things I am so thankful I have the opportunity to enjoy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Amazing School Bus

When Blake first started school he wanted to ride the school bus so bad. It was something he had always looked forward to doing once he was a "big boy" in Kindergarten. The problem was we lived directly across from the school. I had to repeatedly explain how it wasn't logical for the bus to carry him across the street. He was heartbroken for weeks.That summer we moved.

Moving far enough for him to ride the bus was a big selling point. For me it was a bittersweet experience. As much as I didn't like being close to a busy intersection, I actually liked the convenience of being close to school. The first day of school comes around for my big first grade boy. The first day or two I drive him in the mornings and pick him up in the afternoons. After a couple of trips I decide all this driving is for the birds. Blake finally gets his wish to ride the school bus. I admit it was selfish reasoning on my behalf. I was tired of buying gas, not to mention, having to get out and drive that early in the morning when I could go back to bed. I still continued to pick him up in the afternoons. The mom in me was still worried he would not get off the bus at the house. It is a good thing because every afternoon he would fall asleep on the way home. We only had one incident that year where the bus driver failed to stop. Blake was upset; however, I was able to explain that she couldn't see him standing there due to him wearing a camouflage coat.

This arrangement carries on over to second grade. He rides the bus in mornings. I pick up in afternoon. I might need to mention that Blake is not a morning person. Seriously, he is dressed minutes before pick up time. I was running late one afternoon therefore my sister did pick up duty. She calls me the next morning to ask if Blake had told me what happened to him the previous morning. Of course, I have heard nothing. I brace myself. It seems that Blake not only sleeps in the afternoons on the way home, but he also sleeps on the bus to school. He was asleep and did not get off at the elementary school. He awoke at the high school. Apparently a teacher had to drive him back to his school. Once I ask, Blake confirms the story. He says he told his Nannie (great grandmother, age 88) that afternoon. Sure enough, he did but she assumed he was telling her a story since he whispered it in her ear. 

Needless to say, the amazing school bus isn't so amazing anymore. I sorta blame myself as a mom. I should make him go to bed earlier. I should make him get up earlier. What are the chances of the same thing happening once again?? The mom in me fears it is very likely.  Now I'm back to dropping him off in the mornings (while I'm still in pjs and robe) and picking up in afternoon. It was a nice ride while it lasted.